Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Interview with Bry Jensen

Our very first interview on Women Sports & Fitness is with Bry Jensen from Vancouver, Canada.

Could you briefly describe yourself and what you do?

I am a passionate passionate fitness enthusiast motivator, a fiery redhead, and a history nerd all wrapped up in one! I am a published fitness model, and I write my own fitness blog, Embracefire Fitness, soon to be incorporated into my personal website.

How did you first get started in the fitness world, what goals did you have?

I started my fitness journey in 2009 with one goal in mind: get healthy. I have a limited lung capacity because I have scar tissue in my lungs, which had forced me to be sedentary, and it was really starting to take its toll on me. I was 19, and walking up a flight of stairs was challenging! Something had to be done. So, I started with the Beachbody P90X program, and then the Insanity program. It was amazing to see the difference 3, then 2 months made!

What do you do to stay fit, as far as diet, exercise, etc?

I am fully a committed weight-lifting junkie now. You can find me in the gym 6 days a week! I also do cardio in the afternoon/evenings (Depending on time of year) 4 of those days. I follow programs that are designed to build and sculpt muscle rather than just to 'tone', and the cardio is completely secondary to the weightlifting. If I can only make 1 in a day, you can bet its the weights!

I eat 5-6 times a day, spaced out every 2-3 hours. My diet is fairly clean - I try to stay away from processed foods in favor of whole foods, and home cooked meals. I always aim for high protein meals, and though I do not do low carb, I attempt to get my carbohydrates first from veggies, and only partially from wheat and grains. I also make everything Spicy! I LOVE hot foods!

Was it hard initially to give up some of the things you liked to accomplish those goals?

Absolutely, and still is! As committed as I am to eating clean and being fit, I would be a dirty liar if I said I didn't love a Big Mac, or didn't want candy! But I am constantly reminding myself how good I feel when I eat healthy, and how sluggish I feel when I eat junk! I've come into the mindset that everyone deserves a treat now and then, but it should be a sparing reward for hard work! It keeps me on track.

How much time each week do you dedicate to training?

I work out six days a week, for at least an hour of weight training. When Cardio is attached, it can be from 20-60 minutes, with an average of about 45.

Which sports or exercises do you prefer?

I'm HORRENDOUSLY bad at sports. Really, I've never been interested in any of your main sports, and when I was made to play them, I just really sucked. But I did do martial arts for a long time (I have my black belt), so I love kickboxing and martial arts style sports, and I also LOVE surfing! I'm not very good at that, but I love it anyways.

You also do a lot of photo shoots, how did those come about?

Well, as a fitness model, that is my job, so I try to book as many and as often as is possible. I got started with fitness modeling only shortly after I got involved with fitness in the first place, because I used to model when I was younger (in the high fashion stuff, which really wasn't for me), and when I started working out, clients and people I used to work with were encouraging me to go for fitness modeling. I started off putting myself out there and building a following through the internet, and soon enough, people were contacting me!

What kind of feedback have you been getting from fans, and how does that impact your progress?

Straight up, my fans are amazing. They always have a compliment or an encouraging cheer, and I feel that I am able to connect with them - they share their own progress with me, ask questions and share interesting new information, and it definitely motivates me to truck on.

Most importantly, some of my fans tell me that I inspire them. And I'm dead serious when I say that is the most meaningful and complimentary thing that could say. I am so touched, so honoured when I am able to inspire someone, that is my ultimate goal! More than anything, this is what inspires me. If I can help one person be motivated, well then I better bust my butt to continue to be worthy of that!!

Did you accomplish those initial goals, and if not do you think you will?

Oh definitely. I've never been stronger, or healthier than I am right now. Stairs are nothing now! But that by no means indicates that I'm done with my journey. I can go so much further, push so much harder, and hopefully, be so much better. I love that challenge.

Do you have any tips for young girls just starting to try and get in shape?

Everyone starts somewhere! Do not let yourself be intimidated by what you don't know, and do not be intimidated by the weightlifters or fit people around you! No one is laughing at you, because everyone had a first step as well. Remember, this is YOUR journey, and shouldn't be compared to anyone else.

Reach out to people! Make a support group. Heck, contact me and I'd be happy to cheer you on as well! Find people who will help you be accountable, and encourage you in positive ways. Cut out the people in your life who are going to bring you down, be jealous, or criticize you. You don't need the sabotage. Again, this is YOUR journey, and only YOU have control of it!

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